Ever Wonder what your Pet is Thinking?
Anyone whose worked in marketing knows that customer testimonials and reviews can be a very effective top of funnel strategy when running ads. Unfortunately, when it comes to Pet Supplies Plus, those who are leaving reviews aren't really the primary users. Sure, maybe Jessica thought that Kong toy was un-interesting, but did Rex truly feel that way? This was the underlying inspiration for the Thoughts Campaign, which set out to establish a voice for the voiceless while injecting some humor into the brand.
Campaign Construction
One of the challenges with running a campaign like this for Pet Supplies Plus is with how diverse their cliental is. If you only run dog products to a cat owner, they aren't going to make a purchase. This ultimately led to the decision to design the campaign in the style of a dynamic product carousel ad to ensure anyone seeing the ad would be served at least one product that they actually needed to buy for their pet.
Each carousel would be constructed to contain a Question & Answer card in the beginning  designed to grab attention, a variety of product ads, and an end card that encouraged curbside pickup since Covid was still going strong.
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